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students studying in the classroom


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Full Immersion at Oxford and Cambridge

Oxford and Cambridge are world-class institutions steeped in tradition. Students will participate in activities usually exclusive to Oxbridge undergraduates as well as be exposed to dynamic teaching methods developed and perfected at these two institutions. We also provide specific introductions to Oxbridge’s academic curricula and facilities.

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Readiness for Future University Education

Led by an elite team of academic staff who graduated from the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford, we incorporate university readiness into all of our activities. While encouraging students to delve into their academic passions at one of these two universities, we help participants set individualised and achievable goals to prepare for top UK universities.

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Global Community of Ambitious Students

We believe in the importance of community. Those enrolled will not only form a global network of like-minded program participants but will also meet current Oxbridge students and alumni. Through talks presented by our guest speakers from these top universities, we aim to inspire attendees as well as help them build a community of change makers and scholars.


Academic Excellence

At Oxbridge Summer Scholars, we push students with academic ambition to achieve even higher. We provide a mixed teaching method of fieldwork, seminars, lectures, lab work, and even mock Oxbridge admissions interviews to give participants a taste of what it is like to study at a rigorous academic institution. Our esteemed faculty, experts in their field, lead interactive sessions that promote student-driven learning.


Our faculty is committed to bringing a unique Oxbridge experience to each cohort.

From extracurricular activities such as drama and cultural trips to our immersive teaching style, participants will gain an insider’s view of student life at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.

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the student takes notes in a notebook

Traditional Oxbridge Curricula

Our tutors bring teaching methods unique to both universities directly to every student through a mix of seminars, lectures, discussions, debates, research projects, and even mock interviews.

students in the library

Interdisciplinary approach

OSS offers separate streams to allow students to specialise, but we believe in the value of an interdisciplinary approach and therefore provide a mix of specialist as well as interdisciplinary classes.

Oxbridge Scholar

Meet Oxbridge Scholars 

The program invites scholars and current students to deliver presentations and speeches to every cohort and stream. By enabling attendees to meet successful scholars, we aim to inspire our participants.

museum exhibit

Humanities Research Trips

HAS and BEGI students can access resources at the Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge, the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford as well as those of famous art galleries and research centres to help them form individualised research questions.

City of Oxford

City Exploration

Students are allocated ample free time to explore Oxford and Cambridge at lunch as well as during supervised activities. From restaurants to cultural sites and iconic architecture, get to know Oxbridge from an insider’s point of view!

oxford building

Guided College Tours

Immersive guided tours take participants inside both academic institutions. Our guides analyse criteria for each college, as well as provide an e-book with information on facilities, traditions, and culture to help students decide.


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